Commercial Finance Network

Liverpool sees biggest decline in house prices since 2008

Liverpool has seen the highest drop in house price value since 2008 in England and Wales, according to the latest research by GetAgent.

GetAgent investigated Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs) and compared the average house price change for these areas since the financial crisis.

Using MSOA area codes, the research revealed that the 023 area of Liverpool saw the biggest drop in value with a decline of 44.21% from £116,821 to £65,178.

The 044 area of Bradford, 005 area of Hartlepool and parts of County Durham also saw declines in house price value.

Colby Short, founder and chief executive of, said: “While we tend to focus on top-line statistics the UK housing market is made up of thousands of micro-markets and so what is happening in one area can be the polar opposite to another.

“Looking at these more granular levels of data provides an interesting insight that differs from the usual blanket, generic observations and demonstrates how even in the same city, the market can perform differently from one area to the next.”

London saw major growth in house prices since 2008 with Camden (022) and Lambeth (003) seeing growth of 389.82% and 322.74% respectively.

In Greater London, the 010 area of Cambridge (156.71%) and 008 area of Winchester (149.11%) have also experiences high house price growth.

Short continued: “Currently, we’re seeing the London market struggle with other major cities in the Midlands and further north enjoying stronger price growth.

“However, looking at the long-term picture since the financial crisis, we can see a real contrast across the different areas of the UK with the capital flourishing overall, while other macro-areas have experienced really difficult recoveries.”

By Jessica Nangle

Source: Mortgage Introducer

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